We're Committed to Excellence

At Cinderella Cleaners, we are dedicated to providing exceptional cleaning services in Gaylord, MI and across the state. As a trusted cleaning company in Michigan, our skilled and reliable team delivers professional cleaning services that you can count on. Whether you need home cleaning, deep cleaning, apartment cleaning, or commercial cleaning, we’re here to ensure your satisfaction with every visit. Let us take care of your housekeeping services and pro cleaning services so you can focus on what truly matters.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional professional cleaning services and ensuring customer satisfaction. We take pride in our attention to detail, using only the best equipment and cleaning products for all our cleaning services in Gaylord, MI. Our commitment to quality and efficiency has earned us a reputation as one of the best cleaning company in Michigan and handyman service providers in the region. With Cinderella Cleaners, you can trust that your home or business is in good hands.

Your Clean and Comfortable Workplace starts here!

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est.

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Reliable and Responsive

What Our Clients Think

At Cinderella Cleaners, we are immensely grateful to collaborate with our valued clients. Our commitment is to deliver premier cleaning services, but the overwhelming support and community spirit we've encountered have truly enriched our experience.

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Mike F.

Great choice for house cleaning. Leah is friendly and professional. She takes pride in her work and her prices are fair. She is very responsive and communicates well. I strongly recommend her services.

Deb P.

Karin has worked in my home, doing a wonderful job, especially in the bathrooms. I have also accompanied Karin during a condo cleaning job, while she spotlessly cleaned condos with 3 bedrooms and full kitchens.

Mary P.

Leah and Mark deep cleaned my rental house from a disaster to a livable property.My renter had been in the house! They both spent many hours getting the house cleaned, fumigation, and helped my renter get moved in and settled. Leah is continuing to clean the house for my renter bi-weekly. Leah is a real peach, and does a thorough job of cleaning.

Juliette M.

Let me tell you, I am so thankful for Cinderella Cleaners because they worked absolute magic on my house. I have been recently struggling with back problems and because of that I have let some of the more labor intensive deep cleaning stack up until it got to be a bit overwhelming, but they came in and took care of it so quickly and efficiently and boy am I impressed! My baseboards, walls, and appliances have never looked this good! If you need a cleaning service that will take care of those big messes that you can’t do, I absolutely recommend them. 11/10

A Clean Workplace is a Productive Workplace.

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